
Security business compliance

In order for a security business to legally do business, it must be compliant.
To be fully compliant, a security company needs to adhere to all of the following requirements:

 All security service providers must be registered with PSiRA.

 All employees deployed to render a security service must be registered as security officers with PSiRA.

 All security officers should be in possession of the necessary training certificates from accredited training establishments.

 All security officers must be paid at the least minimum statutory wage level applicable in terms of the Sectoral Determination Private Security Sector, and must adhere to the other conditions of employment laid down in this document.

 Security service providers must guarantee that all its security officers will adhere to the statutory code of conduct for security service providers.

 Security service providers must ensure that its security officers are specifically trained for the task they have been allocated to do.

 Security service providers must have their security officers registered with the Private Security Sector Provident Fund (PSSPF) and make the applicable monthly contribution.

 Security service providers must be registered with SARS for Income Tax, VAT, PAYE, SDL and UIF.

 Security service providers must be registered for Workman‟s Compensation.

 Security service providers must comply with the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) requirements.