Security guard training

I want to be a security guard

The minimum requirement to enter security guard training is the basic qualification of Grade E. All other training is based on this minimum requirement:

  • The entry-level security guard is a Grade E security guard.
  • ABET level 3 which is equal to school Grade 9
  • 18 years or older
  • Able to speak, read, write and understand English.
  • No criminal record – a background check will be done before you are registered.

Grade A security guard training

A grade-A security officer is a senior security officer with managerial control over a number of people.
Security guard training

A grade-A security guard is a security supervisor and must already have passed these skills programmes:

The unit standards that have to be passed to become a grade B security officer are:

  • Demonstrate understanding of crime prevention
  • Describe the relationship of junior management to other roles
  • Gather and present evidence in a hearing
  • Conduct preliminary investigations
  • Institute disciplinary action
  • Interpret and manage conflicts within the workplace
  • Manage time productively

Grade B security guard training
A grade B Security Guard is a junior security supervisor.
Skills programme

You can take a skills programme for a grade B security guard if you have successfully completed these skills programmes:

  • Patrol officer
  • Access control officer
  • Asset protection officer

The unit standards that have to be passed to become a grade B security officer are:

  • Supervise work unit to achieve individual and teamwork unit objectives
  • Conduct a security threat assessment in a defined operational area
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of the primary labour legislation that impacts on a business unit
  • Interpret and use information from texts
  • Perform one-on-one on-the-job training
  • Induct a member into a team
  • Give instructions

Grade C security guard training

A grade C Security Guard is an asset and reaction officer or senior security officer.

Entry requirements: Grade C

The unit standards that have to be passed to become a grade C security officer are:

  • Coach a team member in order to enhance individual performance in the work environment
  • Apply knowledge of self and team in order to develop a plan to enhance performance
  • Describe how to manage reactions arising from a traumatic event
  • Apply occupational health, safety and environmental principles
  • Outline the legal environment of a selected industry
  • Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication
  • Write security reports and take statements

Grade D security guard training

A grade D Security Guard is an access or gate controller

You can take a skills programme for a grade D security guard if you have the qualifications of a grade E security officer.

The unit standards that have to be passed to become a grade D security officer are:

  • Conduct access and egress control
  • Conduct evacuations and emergency drills
  • Identify, handle and defuse security-related conflict
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 60/2000
  • Apply basic business ethics in a work environment
  • Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts
  • Operate a computer workstation in a business environment

Grade E security guard training

A grade E Security Guard is a patrol security officer.

You can take a skills programme for a grade E security guard if you have proven skills equal to Grade 7 or Abet level 3

The unit standards that have to be passed to become a grade E security officer are:

  • Use security equipment
  • Conduct a security patrol in the area of responsibility
  • Perform basic fire fighting
  • Carry out basic first aid treatment in the workplace
  • Handle complaints and problems
  • Perform handover and take over responsibilities
  • Apply legal aspects in a security environment
  • Give evidence in court
  • Explain the requirements for becoming a security service provider

Firearm training

Firearm training is provided by SASSETA approved firearm training academies

Firearm training includes:

  • Handling and use of a handgun
  • Handling and use of self-loading rifle or carbine
  • Handling and use of a manually operated rifle or carbine
  • Handling and use of a shotgun
  • Supervising shooting exercises